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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

haishh -,-'

mcm mne nk hilangkn bnde yg kt ats tuhh ? somebody help me please ? hmm :(
burok deyh :DD

*kak ,, saia tk nk lha msok contest tu . batal :')
Heyy peeps ! thanks for reading ya :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

exam paper -,-''

huh ! exam paper ? hell ! da lha ogy ad ggal 1 err -,-'' menyirap lha . sc yg ggal :( ssah banget tahu ! sdeyy gyle sbb PK1 da ggal klo PMR ,, pehh tk mati an gitu :D nk jeah tembak krtas tuhh -,-'' hmm ,, setakat nyh bru dpt 1A jeah ?! hell lha . target bpew A tpi yg dpt juz 1A jeah . yg target tkde failed tpi da dpt 1 failed . mmg bgos an :D bgos sgtt lha tuhh -,-'' nk tahu ape yg A ? mzty lha agame . haha . BM dpt B :( enggtkn dpt A tdi -,-'' math ckop ckop mkan 40 . haha . ocayy lha tuhh an ? jnji lulos =p agame best seyh . tk penah dpt setinggi nyh . nk tahu ogy dpt bpew ? ogy dpt 98 per 100% haha ! bangge Ohh =p tpi ad kwn ogy dpt 99 -,-'' means dea lagy tggi . err tkpe lha nyh bru PK1 an ?of coz soalan snng . tgk lha exam yg akn dtg nnty . rmai klas ogy yg dpt agama A . 17 owg :) hebatt an ? cg ckp cg pun tk sangke . haha . well well well =p jgn pndang kami sbelah mate shaje ya . huhu . ocayy lha nk inform tuhh jeah . markah sc tk nk bgtahu sbb terok =p haha k lha byee amigoz ! *nk tydow awl sbb esok pagi brtugas kt library :) <3
Heyy peeps ! thanks for reading ya :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

maulidur rasul :)

salam satu malaysia satu johor satu skudai satu ape lagy ? haha :DD nk cterw nyh . nk habak ,, tdi kt sch ogy ad sambutan maulidur rasul . best best . nd then tdi ad teater . pehh ! mantap btol lakonan dea . suke suke <3 . hmm ,, nd tdi mse kt dewan ,, time dgr ceramah ,, kteowg ad lha amek pic skett *pham kn mksod ayt nyh . mksodnye ,, nk tyang lha gmbar tuhh . haisyy =..=' awk nyh lembab btol . haha . jhadd gyle mulot =p mne ad baek lha . hee . da lha tuhh meleweyh . nk tgk tk gmbarnye ? nk ? ocayy bgos . nah :)

haha . see ? act ad lagy ,, tpi nyh jeah yg cntekk :) *kami tahu kami lwa cun melecun . tk pyah ckp dh . haha . choyy =p . ehe :) kt fb ad tw pic nyh ,, so rjin rjin kn lha tgn anda comment pic ogy eah ? gmbar nyh sume ad kt album ogy . jgn lupe ,, LIKE album MAULUD nyh skaly tw :) haha . bgoz bgoz . jgn lupe . ocayy lha byee . amigoz ! :DD
Heyy peeps ! thanks for reading ya :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

muka seposen =p

haha ! nmpak tk tjok dea ? nmpak kn ? mzty pelik ,, asl tbe tbe muke seposen nyh ==' kah3 . nk cterw psl tdi mse kt psar mlm :) ad satu kejadian yg bile dfikir fikir blek ,, mmg kelakar . haha :D nk tahu tk ? ckp nk ! cpatt . nk ? bgoz :) haha . tdi kn ,, kt psar mlm ,, ogy beli kasut crocs tuhh :) alaa . yg ladies slalu pkai tuhh . nk pkai mse maulidur rasul nnty . sabtu depan . sbb tkde kasut yg sesuai untuk d'bawa ke sekolah =p yg ad wedges ,, wedges kn heel . tkkn nk pkai kott. nnty owg ckp over pulak =p haha^^ so ,, mntak lha emak ogy belikn . act da lme da nk ksot tuhh nd ogy pun da lme mntak . bile nk beli mk asik tk kasi jeah ==' pdahal dea da penah jnji nk belikn . sdeyy bile tk dpt tahu T_T . hoho^^ tpi tdi ,, dkt psr mlm ,, ad kasut yg jenis dea sme mcm kasut crocs tuhh ,, cume bkn kasut crocs lha . jenama laen tpi pattern sme lha :) mntak mak belikn ,, then dea ckp . haisyy tk pyah lha beli ksott . laen kli jeah . huaaaa ! sdeyy Ohh ! T_T then mse jlan tuhh ,, ogy diamm jeah pstu ogy ckp da lha adeq nk pkai ksot tuhh mse maulidur rasul nnty .then jlan buad muke seposen . haha xD well well well ,, *taktik bru nyh . hihi^^ then mse nk blek tuhh,, lalu lha dpn tempat jual ksot tu ,, then mak ogy ckp ,, bile maulidur rasul ,, ogy ckp lha sabtu nyh lha . pstu brhenti kt kdai tu mak ogy ckp ,, cpatt pilih saiz . yahoo !! dpt yeahh ! huhu :) *sungguh keriangan ini budak :D suke suke <3 hehe . then dpt lha ksott tuhh . so kowg rse ,, taktik yg ogy gune tdi ,, brkesan tk ? brkesan an ? kah3 . **anda d'galakkan mencube taktik ini apabila tdak dpt sesuatu yg d'ingini :) haha xD bkn ajaran sesat lha =p sje nk share petua brgune . hihi :) ocayy lha . gtg nyh *pdahal nk bkk fb . haha byee :) amigoz !

                                                                  ksot ogy wrne hitam lha :)
Heyy peeps ! thanks for reading ya :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

go creative with us ! :D

yeayy ! best seyh . go creative with us tuhh tema utok camp kteowg tuhh lha :D haha :) best seyh camp tuhh . rse mcm nk pgy lagy pun ad tahu ! hua3 :) 3 hari 2 mlm tuhh rse mcm skjap . tpi ocayy lha kn . nseb baek dpt kkak nd abg2 facy yg baek ,,spoting nd klakar :D I loike ! haha xD nme group ogy unik glerw tw . rse rsenyea group ogy pling unik nd pling kecoh skaly . cehh ! haha . tkpe prasan skjap tkpe an . nme group ogy "WE ARE JENG JENG" haha :) ocayy kn ?> chomell kn nme tuhh ? hee~ nk tgk pic group ogy ? ocayy nah :D

     yeahh ! time nyh kteowg stu group tgh bincang psl ape eah . . lupe sudaa ==' haha :) tpi best maa :D

time nyh tgh buad prsembhan brlakon . tgk ,, ogy yg pkai bju merah tgh ddok tuhh . ogy jdik cg lha :D haha cg grang nyh =p hihi^^

yg nyh time amek pic stu group . gaya bebas :D haha^^ ketua dea klo nk tahu budak pling kecoh skaly kt camp tuhh ,, spew ? ijan lha . haha =p yg tgh pegang bju tuhh :D hihi^^

                                              yg nyh pic rmai rmai sblom blek . best Ohh ! :)

act ,, byk lagy pic yg tkde kt snie . haha . mlaz lha nk msokkn . ogy msokkn yg best best jeah . hoho :) dkt camp ad satu bnde klakar yg jdik . fatyn lha ,, mse mlm2 tuhh dea pgy khemah ogy . mlm ke suboh eah . tk engtt lha . ehe :) then dea ckp ,, alaaa . nk kntot lha pulak . haha . selamba jeah dea tuhh . then dea halakan bontot dea kt luar then dea kentot . hahaha . bedekak seyh ogy ,, laila ,, lyana dgn riza kt khemah tuhh . haha . atyn  ,, atyn ,, kw nyh buad lwak btol lha . haha . tpi serious tw ,, mse camp tuhh ,, rmai gyle budak kjea mengentot ==' tk tahu npew .asik kentot jeah kjea . hua3 . ogy pun sme lerr . kah3 :D tkpe tkpe . kentot kn sehatt . haha xD wekk ! =p bile da blek jeah ,, kt fb dyeowg still ckp " aku kt umah asik mengentot jeah kjea " haha . ckop ckop lha tuhh kentot . kang bau umah korg kang . hehe :) best seyh camp nyh . mmg tk boleh lupe lha snng cterw . abg shahrul ckp ,, facy kteowg dea ckp ,, tkpe nnty abg usahakn buad camp kt tmpat laen tpi dgn facy yg sme . haha . ye kea abg ? klo btol2 best jgk tuhh :D haha . kak mira ckp ,, facy kteowg jgk . dea ckp ,, dyeowg facy facy sume tk penatt sgtt sbb lyann kteowg yg happenning nd sporting2 sume :D hua3 . tengs sys :) best best best ! hrap hrap ad lagy . haha . byee ! amigoz :D
Heyy peeps ! thanks for reading ya :)

semua bnde yg ad kat blog nyh trmasok icon2 kcil tuhh Ogy yg pnye ocayy